Kursangebote >> Kursbereiche >> vhs-Sprachenschule >> Englisch >> Business English

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fast ausgebucht Ready for Business - B1/B2

( ab Di., 24.9., 19.30 Uhr )

English is the language of international business and more and more German companies are thinking and acting globally. First contacts with potential customers, small talk while eating out, product presentations or signing a contract - these may be situations that have to be mastered in English in a business or technical context. This course will help you acquire the necessary language skills. Speak American English with a native speaker. Vorkenntnisse: etwa 5 bis 6 Jahre Schulenglisch.

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vhs Balingen

Wilhelmstraße 36
72336 Balingen

Tel.: 07433 90800
Fax: 07433 908070
E-Mail: verwaltung@vhs-balingen.de


Mo., Di., Fr.:        09:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Do.:                     09:00 – 13:00 Uhr und
                            14:00 – 16:30 Uhr und   
Mi.:                       geschlossen       

Während der Schulferien:
Mo., Di., Do., Fr.:  09:00 ­– 12:00 Uhr

WissensWerkstatt Zollneralb